es durch unseren umfassenden Service auch möglich, Ihre Projektarbeit schreiben lassen, was eine nahtlose Ergänzung zu unserem Angebot darstellt und die akademische Vielfalt unserer Unterstützung unterstreicht


User Analytics

User Cohorts

Build Active cohorts based on any user parameters, events, and features. Multiple cohorts and groups are supported.

Session View

Get engagement and detailed session view for each user. Smart filters are available comprehensively analyze the session.

User Journey

Get journeys of each user across multiple sessions. Configure a journey rule and find the users list.

360o View

One view user profile with entire usage pattern and histroy on the application across platforms are at one place.

Auto Segmentation

Many cohorts like product promoters, detractors, and losing interest are automatically created.


Advanced filters to get users who have not used certain features or have performed a certain action.

Get started with Fibotalk today!

Understand your application usage and retain users

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